Charlotte Bronte Before Jane Eyre Review in the New York Times

This review in the New York Times one is the best yet! It appears in the print edition on Sunday Dec. 1st.

“This emotionally nuanced and visually stunning biography, illustrated in deft pencil strokes colored with moody shades of blue and featuring an insightful introduction written by Alison Bechdel, is the latest venture from the Center for Cartoon Stories…”


Joining the Center for Cartoon Studies

This fall (2019) I am joining the faculty at the Center for Cartoon Studies, that offers a two-year MFA and certificate program in creating comics. It’s so exciting to come out of my hermit cave and to be a part of this community dedicated to providing the highest quality of education to students interested in creating visual stories.

Not Actually the Center for Cartoon Studies!

Not Actually the Center for Cartoon Studies!

This is Roe Head School where Charlotte Brontë studied and taught. If only they had offered comics as a subject—would we be reading Jane Eyre the graphic novel?